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Sense of Community


When the Idaho Anne Frank Memorial was vandalized with swastikas at the end of 2020, the media broadcast the story far and wide. The news coverage caused one incarcerated citizen to reach out to the Wassmuth Center for Human Rights with a $15 donation and a letter stating: “We need your programming.” This idea ignited discussions and led to a partnership between the Wassmuth Center and the Idaho Department of Corrections.

 “A Sense of Community” is designed to be positive and uplifting. Historically, most tools for returning citizens are punitive. This program is different. It focuses on six important values – diversity, inclusion, civility, respect, empathy, and hope—that empower returning citizens. It also equips them to build communities where everyone’s worth and dignity are recognized.

Wassmuth Human Rights Center logo emblem laid in stone


The Wassmuth Center is piloting a new program in partnership with Boise State University and the Idaho Department of Corrections called “A Sense of Community.” This program will be offered to a cohort of people who are currently incarcerated in the IDOC system beginning in January 2024. Participants who complete the program can receive college credit, a benefit that can help them reintegrate once released.

The program is both online and offers in-person, facilitated group learning. If the pilot is successful, we will continue to provide it to incarcerated people as part of their preparation to reenter the community upon completion of their sentence.

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©2024 The Wassmuth Center for Human Rights | All rights reserved | Website by 116 & West